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Currently Viewing: Customer Stories

Our Customer's Highlights from 2023

Customer Stories

Our Customer's Highlights from 2023

As we wrap up another incredible year at Joseph's Wigs, we can't help but feel grateful for the amazing support our customers have shown us. From the bottom of our...


Our Customer's Highlights from 2023

As we wrap up another incredible year at Joseph's Wigs, we can't help but feel...

Lesley's Wig Wearing Journey

Customer Stories

Lesley's Wig Wearing Journey

Whether you have lost your hair as a result of a medical condition, have noticed your hair is thinning with age, or are looking for something to boost your confidence,...


Lesley's Wig Wearing Journey

Whether you have lost your hair as a result of a medical condition, have noticed...

Joanna's Wig Wearing Journey

Customer Stories

Joanna's Wig Wearing Journey

If you’re new to the world of wigs, it can feel a little daunting, and it’s often hard to know where to start. We asked our customer Joanna a series...


Joanna's Wig Wearing Journey

If you’re new to the world of wigs, it can feel a little daunting, and...

Tammy's Wig Wearing Journey

Customer Stories

Tammy's Wig Wearing Journey

As a first-time wig wearer, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. We recently asked our community of wig wearers to reach out, sharing insight into their journey with wigs,...


Tammy's Wig Wearing Journey

As a first-time wig wearer, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. We recently asked...

Doreen's Story: Wearing a Wig for Alopecia

Customer Stories

Doreen's Story: Wearing a Wig for Alopecia

Losing your hair can feel isolating. So, we made it our mission to encourage others to speak out and share their journey. Our community of wig-wearers have not disappointed, and...


Doreen's Story: Wearing a Wig for Alopecia

Losing your hair can feel isolating. So, we made it our mission to encourage others...

How Jo Regained Confidence with Wigs

Customer Stories

How Jo Regained Confidence with Wigs

We encourage our customers to give back to one another through telling their stories. At Joseph’s Wigs, our ongoing mission is to raise awareness of hair loss and help our...


How Jo Regained Confidence with Wigs

We encourage our customers to give back to one another through telling their stories. At...

Michelle's Wig Wearing Story

Customer Stories

Michelle's Wig Wearing Story

We love to see our customers share their wig wearing journey as we know how much they can inspire others in a similar position. Michelle has kindly, and bravely, shared...


Michelle's Wig Wearing Story

We love to see our customers share their wig wearing journey as we know how...

Claire's Journey with Wigs for Alopecia

Customer Stories

Claire's Journey with Wigs for Alopecia

Losing your hair can be extremely distressing, but hearing from like-minded people who have been through a similar situation can build up your confidence and make you feel like you’re...


Claire's Journey with Wigs for Alopecia

Losing your hair can be extremely distressing, but hearing from like-minded people who have been...

Kristina's Story: Wigs for Alopecia

Customer Stories

Kristina's Story: Wigs for Alopecia

Last Christmas at Joseph’s Wigs, we gave our customers the opportunity to share their wig wearing stories and inspire others on their hair loss journey. Today, we share Kristina’s story...


Kristina's Story: Wigs for Alopecia

Last Christmas at Joseph’s Wigs, we gave our customers the opportunity to share their wig...


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VAT Exemption is available at Joseph’s Wigs to all clients who wear wigs for necessity reasons

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