Losing your hair can feel isolating. So, we made it our mission to encourage others to speak out and share their journey. Our community of wig-wearers have not disappointed, and we are proud of every single customer who has reached out, bravely sharing their story. Today, we would like to share Doreen’s story, who aims to inspire others, after battling hair loss from Alopecia.
Doreen’s journey with wigs for Alopecia
“I have been wearing wigs for 25 years because of Alopecia. One has to actually go through the despair of losing all their hair to fully understand the sadness and misery of it. But Alopecia isn’t life threatening or painful even, so I picked myself up and told myself to get on with. I reminded myself to be grateful that my hair loss was due to stress and not cancer. That’s when I came across Joseph’s Wigs many years ago, and I’ve experienced good customer service every single time. My wigs, of which there have been many, have given me the confidence I needed to get on with my life, whilst encouraging others with hair loss to do the same.”

Did you have any hesitations about wearing wigs for the first time?
“Absolutely. In fact, the reason I was so nervous about wearing a wig was that I felt I was a fraud (ridiculous I know now!)”
Doreen is not alone feeling so nervous about wearing a wig for the first time. In fact, we can safely say that most first-time wig wearers feel a little uncomfortable. However, we want to reassure every new wig-wearer that very soon, you will feel confident in your new head piece! Here are our top tips for feeling comfortable in your wig.
How many wigs do you have in your collection?
“I am currently using 3 different wig styles.”

How often do you replace your wigs?
“For me, this depends on the individual wig, but possibly 1-2 wigs every 12 months.”
Which is your go-to, human hair or synthetic hair wigs?
“I have purchased both human and synthetic wigs, and I can safely say both were very good. However, I found that synthetic wigs were much easier to maintain. One of my favourites is the Festa Petite wig by Ellen Wille in the Caramel mix.”
Is synthetic or human hair right for you? Human hair wigs are popular for their versatility and natural shine, whereas some prefer synthetic wigs as a cost-effective, low maintenance solution. We’ve put together a guide to help you decide on the best wig for you: human hair vs synthetic.
What advice would you give to someone who is new to the world of wigs?
“My advice would be to buy the best wig you can afford. There are a lot of ‘wiggy’ wigs out there. A good wig will give you confidence, although it will take time. At first, I always wore a hat to try and blend in, not wanting to draw attention to my head. When having a conversation, I would watch if the other person was looking at my hairline, and standing in a queue was excruciating because I convinced myself that people could tell I was wearing a wig.”
Doreen can inspire us all
Doreen has shown us that it is normal to feel nervous about wearing a wig for the first time, but after a while, you realise that no one is looking, and it’s in your head! There’s no shame in wearing a wig, and Doreen has shown us that you can live your life confidently and proudly, without hair loss getting in the way.
Joseph’s Wigs can help you with your wig wearing journey
Has Doreen inspired you to try out your first wig? If so, we are here to help!
Book an appointment today and utilise Joseph’s Wigs compassionate wig fitting services. Browse more than 1500 styles, have your head measured and learn how to fit and look after your new head piece correctly.
Alternatively, browse our range of stunning ladies wigs online or more specifically wigs for alopecia and treat yourself today!