Wearing a wig for the first time can often feel overwhelming, strange, perhaps slightly uncomfortable and daunting, even for the best of us. It's natural to feel slightly apprehensive, especially after suffering from hair loss, and that’s why we’re here to help you feel more at ease. This blog has everything you need to feel most comfortable and confident when wearing your wig and will equip you with the tools to feel more relaxed and less concerned. Whether you're wearing a wig whilst undergoing chemotherapy or suffering from alopecia, we want to relieve your stress and help you embrace wearing a wig.

Tips on How to Make a Wig More Comfortable to Wear
Comfort is everything. Not only when it comes to wearing a wig but in areas of our daily lives. It’s essential to feeling yourself and feeling confident, whether you’re out with friends, at work or relaxing at home. Here are top tips that’ll help improve the overall comfortability of your wig, so you feel best.
How to Put on a Wig
Let’s start with the basics, perhaps you’re not so sure on how to put on a wig? This can be especially true if you’re new to the whole process. Don’t panic, we have you covered. Read our step by step guide, with a video and images, on how to put on a wig correctly. Getting the first step right will help you feel happier with the fit, the look and you’ll feel physically more comfortable in your wig.
Always Measure Your Head for a Wig
A step before putting on your wig, have you measured your head correctly to start with? If you’re at the pre-buying stage, don’t do anything before measuring your head correctly so you buy the right size. Wearing the wrong sized wig will have a huge impact on how comfortable you feel when wearing it, so as a top tip, read our guide on how to measure your head for a wig and watch the video. We often share this with our customers and they’re always grateful to get the initial measurements correct before making the purchase, as it can often be a big investment.
Wig Cap Constructions
All wig cap constructions will be comfortable however some will be more suited to sensitive scalps than others, and if you’re undergoing chemotherapy, have alopecia or suffering from any other type of hair loss, having a soft cap construction is key to feeling comfortable. It’s important to understand which wig cap will be suited to your head shape best and to suit the look you’re trying to achieve. Read all you need to know about the main wig cap constructions so you know which one to choose.
Wig Products to Improve the Comfort Factor
Aside from wig styling and storage products, there are essential daily wig accessories that may help you feel more comfortable when wearing your wig:
Wig Caps
Wig caps aren’t essential and are entirely personal preference, however, some wig wearers find they help to prevent the wig from sliding and moving throughout the day.
If you have natural hair sitting under the wig, wig caps can be a huge help as they also eliminate loose ends from under the wig. Although, some find they can make the wig feel hotter on the head.
You might find they benefit comfortability, or you might prefer to wear a wig without one; it’s worth giving wig caps a go to see how you feel.
Wig Tape
Wig tape works well to achieve a natural look and keep the wig in place. It’s double-sided, transparent and can be used to attach most monofilament wigs (but not all) or toupees securely and comfortably leaving no residue. Plus, it’s hypo-allergenic so ideal for those who usually suffer from allergies. Definitely, one to remember when making your wig more comfortable to wear!
Tips on How to Where a Wig with Confidence
Feeling confident is a personal thing and entirely individual. As with everything, there are always ways to maximise your confidence to feel most like your normal self. We understand how scary wearing a wig can be, especially if it’s your first time and you’re not used to it. But your concerns are our priority; we want to make the process easy and more comforting so that you can feel confident. The following points will significantly help you feel best in your wig, no matter your age.
Choosing the Right Wig for You
Choosing your right wig will significantly increase your confidence as you’ll be happy with the choice you made and assured in the fact it suits your natural features, is the right colour, has your preferred styling and more. You’ll also be able to either match your original hair colour or try something new depending on how you feel.
We know that finding the perfect wig can be overwhelming with such a range of wig colours and styles to consider, so why not read our guide on how to choose a wig to help you make the right decision.
Embrace a Positive Mental Attitude
It’s natural to feel down about having to wear a wig after suffering from hair loss but you can choose to see the light in every situation. Wigs are there to help you feel more confident, feel more like you and accentuate your natural beauty; they’re on your side and are made to improve your self-image and confidence.
Complement yourself daily, understand you are beautiful, that you can do this and that this is an opportunity to be glamorous and feel like your normal self. Positive self-talk can go a long way and helps to brush off any negativity that tries to creep in.
You are stronger than you think you are!
Practice Wearing Your Wig at Home First
The more you wear your wig at home, the less concerned you’ll be about it either falling off, looking strange, not fitting correct, not being the right colour, etc. You’ll get to a point where you feel most comfortable and confident, even enough to start wearing it out in public and around friends.
Try New Styles
You may feel more comfortable wearing a wig closer to your natural tones to start with however you might want to experiment with different styles and colours. Whether you’re a natural blonde but want to try a darker brunette wig or used to having straight hair but want to try a curly wig, the choice is yours; with 2,000+ ladies’ wigs to choose from, you’ll never run out of ideas and inspiration.
If you’re looking to try a new style but are nervous to take the leap, you can book a private wig appointment with Claire at Joseph’s Wigs and try on the styles before you buy to see what you prefer.
Need Guidance? We’re Here to Help!
We’re more than happy to support you on your wig journey, whether you’re not sure which wigs cap construction to choose, which wig to go for or you need advice, get in touch with us. We’re passionate about helping people like you feel happy, comfortable and confident day in, day out.