For the millions of fans of Schitt’s Creek, Catherine O’Hara delivered an iconic performance as Moira Rose, a role accentuated and in part characterised by her impressive wig collection. Moira’s extensive wig collection meant she had a look for every event, mood and wardrobe choice. From long green and pink colour choices to retro mullet cuts, and tumbling golden locks to spiky black ensembles, Moira Rose and her wigs became style icons.
Moira Rose’s wigs were gathered from the US to the UK, Japan and around the globe to build a unique collection. Little planning seems to go into which wig would be used in each episode, but the collection grew throughout the series’ run giving a larger choice of hairstyle to match the script and feel of the episode.
By the end of filming in the summer of 2019, Moira Rose’s character had an enviable wig collection, but which deserves the title of Best Moira Rose Wig?
Top 5 Moira Rose Wig Styles
Here we share our five favourite Moira Rose wigs from Schitt’s Creek. This was a difficult list to put together, with so many glorious wigs to choose from!
In 5th Place -
In fifth place, we have the stunning Moira Rose pink wig from ‘Murder Mystery’ (season 3, episode 6). This statement wig is full of personality and fun, with a fringe to frame the face. Catherine O’Hara gave the iconic pink wig one last outing during an interview with the Sunday Times in April 2021.

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In 4th Place -
In fourth place we have the natural and soft strawberry blonde wig featured in Turkey Shoot (season one, episode seven). This wavy blonde wig looks so natural and gives Moira Rose a warm complexion and lends itself to a number of looks from smart to casual.

In 3rd Place –
In third we love the platinum blonde wig adorning Moira Rose’s head for the season four Christmas special, ‘Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose’. This end of season classic sees Moira Rose in a classic long blonde bob wig, perfect for any occasion. The addition of a black fascinator to match her black and white dress really finishes off the look.

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In 2nd Place -
Moira Rose wears several black wigs during the Schitt’s Creek run, but our favourite is the Cabaret black wig from season 5, episode 14. This sleek wig exudes character and adds a layer of chic to any attire.

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In 1st Place -
There can be only one winner, and when it comes to the wigs of Moira Rose one stands out above all else.
In the finale of the final season, Happy Ending, Moira goes above and beyond when it comes to wigs, as the officiant at her son’s wedding. Looking positively angelic, Moira wears an ultra-long flowing blonde wig to accentuate her look, with a band of hair in a crown shape on top. As the show wrapped up the writers and team behind Schitt’s Creek left us with a lasting image of Moira Rose and her wig collection.

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Why did Moira Rose Wear So Many Wigs?
Schitt’s Creek’s Moira Rose wore a LOT of wigs. Despite the Rose’s losing almost everything they have, Moira still has her pristine wig collection, presumably as a memory of better days and to keep up appearances despite the troubles faced by the family.
As the seasons progressed the wig collection grew and grew, with Moira referring to them as her ‘bebes’ and Catherine O’Hara delighting in creating new facets to Moira’s personality with each extravagant new wig.
Catherine and her hairstylist Ana Sorys had the most control over Moira Rose’s wigs, expanding the collection each season, evolving in a similar way to the characters portrayed. It seems there was not a huge amount of planning involved in which wig would be used on each episode, and the choice was often a surprise to writers and cast alike when O’Hara final stepped out to record her scenes.
Shop Moira’s Best Looks at Joseph’s Wigs
One of the best things about Moira Rose’s wigs is their ability to change her style and give her the freedom and confidence to pull of any look. The huge range of wigs available at Joseph’s Wigs means you have the freedom to choose between any type of wig to suit every style and occasion.
If you are looking to buy a Moira Rose wig or some similar, browse our collection of ladies wigs and use the filters to find the Moira Rose look you want.
Shop for Wigs at Joseph’s Wigs
If you’re looking to buy statement wigs like those sported by Moira Rose, designer wigs, or natural-looking synthetic wigs, please feel free to contact Claire or Stuart who will be more than happy to chat. Call 020 8648 5541 or email
Alternatively, use our ‘Wig bot’ on the bottom right corner of this page for more wig tips and advice.