Joseph's Wigs Blog

Dating with Alopecia: How to Tell Someone You Have Alopecia


The world of dating and the prospect of meeting a potential partner should be an exciting time of life, but disclosing your alopecia can be daunting, the prospect of being judged, pitied or treated differently. But alopecia shouldn’t hold you back. In this guide, we will help you navigate the dating scene, helping you manage those difficult conversations with confidence.

Should you open up about your hair loss?

When, how and who you speak to about having alopecia is a personal decision that is completely down to you and your comfort level. Trust your instincts and consider what is best for you and your relationship. If you feel that sharing this information would help you to feel more comfortable and deepen your connection, then it may be something you choose to discuss. If you don’t feel quite ready, wait until you feel confident to do so.

What are the benefits of telling someone you have alopecia?

It’s easy to dwell on the potential cons of telling a partner you have alopecia – but have you considered how it could strengthen your relationship? Opening up about such a personal journey will show your vulnerability and help your partner to see you for who you truly are. If it’s causing you emotional distress or effecting your self-esteem, sharing this could help them to understand what you are going through and offer support.

How should you approach the conversation?

Although you may feel the urge to play the conversation out in your head beforehand, you may well find that it happens naturally as you and your date delve deeper. Go in with an open mind and be prepared for a range of reactions, whether that be surprise, empathy or even indifference. To many people, alopecia will just be a fraction of what makes up the unique person you are!

What should you tell them about your condition?

As we mentioned, there’s no right or wrong way to tell someone you have alopecia. But, if you’re unsure where to start, here are some discussion points that may help you to open up the conversation.

Explaining what alopecia is  

Some people will be familiar with this autoimmune disorder and may even know of friends or family members who also have it. On the other hand, there will also be people who may have never even heard the term ‘alopecia’ or may have misconceptions about it. Explaining what alopecia is, is a great place to start.

Find out more about alopecia, what causes it and how to deal with it.

Your personal story

Everyone’s journey with alopecia is different, so even if your prospective partner knows someone with it, your experience may significantly differ. Life would be boring if everyone was the same after all!

If you feel comfortable, introduce your own experience, including when you were diagnosed, how it affects you physically and mentally, whether you choose to wear a wig for alopecia and how it has made you the person you are today.

Take a look at stories from other people with alopecia.

Expressing your needs

A good partner would want you to communicate your needs and will love and support you through anything. Whether it’s emotional support, understanding or patience, expressing your needs will help you to feel more supported, again, bringing you both another step closer together.

Embracing alopecia

Ultimately, it shouldn’t matter to anyone, whether that be friends, family or a potential partner, that you don’t have hair. Nothing is worse than feeling like you have to go through it alone. And you don’t. There are people out there who will have your back and sometimes all it takes is a step outside of your comfort zone.

Whether you choose to embrace your natural hair, wear a wig, head scarf or switch up your look day to day, your hair loss is unique to you, and so is the way you want to handle it.

Get in touch with Joseph’s Wigs

With over 50 years of experience making and supplying wigs for all types of hair loss, we are on hand to guide you through your journey with alopecia. Whether you’re looking for alopecia advice or would like to find out more about wearing a wig, we are here to help - get in touch.

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