Alopecia affects approximately 8 million people worldwide and is not affected by age, gender, or genetics. Previously thought of as a taboo subject, alopecia is not only getting the worldwide recognition it deserves, but there are now many celebrities and models embracing their alopecia instead of hiding it from the world.
But we understand that if this is a new diagnosis for you, then you may still be internally processing the news and probably considering hiding for the foreseeable future. But at Joseph’s Wigs, we think everyone is beautiful no matter what; we have created this blog to help build back your confidence and embrace the new, powerful, and beautiful you.
Embrace the re-style
Although it may feel daunting right now but embracing the change can give you a whole new lease on life you never thought you'd experience. We have some brilliant styling tips and hair options to help you decide if you want to showcase your alopecia in public or keep it private.
Freestyle it
No matter what you have believed in the past, losing hair does not mean you can no longer rock a stylish haircut. The key is to find a wig style that suits the hair you have rather than the hair you want, work with a stylist to find the perfect new haircut for you, and wear it with confidence.
Go Au Naturale
Many people with alopecia and other conditions causing hair loss are embracing the all-natural look more than ever before. If you don’t believe us, take a look on Instagram and see how models, celebrities, and us ordinary folk are confidently rocking a beautiful silky head. So why not give it a go? Worst-case scenario, it doesn’t work for you, but that’s okay because there are plenty of other options you can try. Best case scenario: you absolutely love it, and as a bonus, you save money on salon fees.
Try something daring
The naturel look is beautiful but is not always the confident boosting look some would like to embrace. Wigs can give you the opportunity to explore a variety of styles and colours you probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to try before. Whether you want to go bold and ‘out there’ with your new look or prefer a subtle and natural style, deciding to try out new wigs can be a fun way to boost your confidence.
Whichever style you decide, we know that you are going to look absolutely fabulous!

Be gentler on yourself.
You know the saying, "You are your own worst critic"? Well, this is particularly true right now. There is no one else in this world who is going to be harder on yourself or judge every aspect of your physical appearance than yourself. Start practising speaking to yourself with kindness and understanding. Remember, alopecia is normally a genetic and hormonal condition; it is not a deadly disease or disability. It will only limit you if you let it, so don’t let it win, and even if you had to "fake it till you make it," your future is just as bright as it was before.
Remember you are still YOU
It may be difficult to adjust, but losing your hair does not imply that you are losing yourself. It may be an unwanted change that you can’t see yourself getting past at this moment in time, but for others, this is just a part of your appearance, a unique feature that makes you "you" and nothing more. Never forget that alopecia does not stop you from enjoying the hobbies you did before, nor does it prevent you from living life to the fullest.

Speak up
This is probably going to be one of the most stressful times you are going to experience in your life, so what good will bottling it up do for you?
You are not alone, and you never will be, so reach out to friends and family if you feel comfortable enough to do so. If this isn’t something you want to do, there are many helpful groups of people going through the same thing as you who are more than happy to help you come to terms with it in your own way and help take your mind away from your condition and direct it back to you as the wonderful person you are. Explore the online communities you have access to and let them help you build your confidence back up.
Take a look at the stories of our customers who reached out to us and shared insight into their journey with alopecia.
Speak to Joseph’s Wigs
Whichever path you choose to take from here on, the team at Joseph’s Wigs will be cheering you on every step of the way. Get in touch with Stuart or Claire who can share helpful, relatable advice to help you through a time like now.
Or, why not take a look at our dedicated blogs and guides to help you boost your confidence.