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How to Feel Like “You” Again: Coping with Cancer Treatment


After receiving a cancer diagnosis or whilst undergoing cancer treatment, with your friends and family members treading on eggshells around you, taking time off work and the physical changes that are happening to your body, it can be difficult to feel like you. But, sometimes feeling like you is exactly what you need. Today, we dive into coping with cancer treatment, how to cope physically and mentally, and how you can regain a part of your old self that you may have lost along the way.


The Effects of a Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer. It is the one word no one wants to hear.

But for many of us it is a reality we have to live with, whether it is us who is affected, a family member or a close friend – we all know someone who has had to go through the dreaded illness as there are around 375,000 new cancer cases in the UK every year.

People with cancer often agree that the worst thing about having cancer is the treatment that comes along with it. The various cancer treatment options can have a huge impact on your body due to the strength of the drugs and treatment. And, whilst chemotherapy and radiotherapy work hard to kill cancer cells in the body, it can take a toll on your mental and physical health along the way.

You could gain weight, lose your hair, break out, suffer with burns, and have your normal bodily functions dramatically affected – the list of side effects associated with cancer treatment can be a long, and somewhat scary list. But, as well as the physical implications, cancer patients often feel the emotional effects even more so, and can often feel lonely, angry and guilty throughout daily life, despite having done nothing wrong.

However, there are a few steps you can take to cope with cancer treatment and feel more like ‘you’ during the process.


So, Just How Do You Feel Like Yourself Again After Having Cancer?


After receiving a cancer diagnosis, for your mentality, it’s important that you continue taking care of yourself as you would before; fix your hair, your makeup, shave your legs and get dressed – even if you plan on spending the whole day in bed. Quick fixes of these kind will make you feel human, instead of like a patient.

Keep yourself pampered! If you can’t make it to the salon or nail bar, find a company that does home visits. You will be amazed at how ‘normal’ you will feel with someone chatting away at you whilst painting your nails. But, if you prefer some time to shut off, or don’t feel in the mood to talk, you can still be pampered just the same. Did you know many salons offer ‘silent’ appointments?

Treat yourself to some new clothes, or have your old ones altered. Both weight gain and weight loss are an unfortunate side effect of many cancer treatments but learn to embrace your new body and treat it with new clothes to feel better about yourself.

And when it comes to physical health, try and make time for a little movement each day. A bit of movement can make all the difference to how you feel and help to boost your mental health with happy hormones, endorphins. Just ensure you speak with your doctor or health care team about plans for any physical activity prior to starting.

Join a support group

Consider joining a support group or some online communities to have the opportunity to speak to other cancer survivors who share the same feelings and experiences as you. Often speaking to someone who knows exactly what you are going through and receiving emotional support is the best way to not feel so alone through a serious illness.


Experiment with a wig

If you begin to experience hair loss, invest in a wig or hair piece. Hair loss can be one of the hardest side effects for both men and women undergoing cancer treatment. Experiment with styles you may have been too afraid to try before you lost your hair and speak to an expert to help you find the best wig for your case. Alternatively, if your hair loss is only just beginning, wig specialists can match a wig to your current style, colour and texture during your wig appointment. Take a look at our recommended synthetic wigs for cancer and human hair wigs for cancer for more information.



Coping As The Carer of Someone With Cancer  

Caring for the needs of a loved one with cancer can be positive, but along the way, may take its toll on your mental health. Here are some tips for looking after yourself as a carer for someone going through cancer treatment, whilst helping your loved one to regain themselves along the way.

Don’t lose yourself

Looking after someone with cancer can incur feelings of guilt, denial and often loneliness as you recognise that the person you love is battling an extremely tough condition which you are unable to control. It’s important to understand that these feelings are perfectly normal and that you are helping your loved one more than you will ever know. But it’s equally as important to make time for self-care, and not ignore your needs along the way.

Remember to keep talking

Remember to keep talking. Whether that be to a GP or the cancer team, it’s okay to admit if you’re not coping, and receive the help and support you need. Sometimes talking to other people in your situation can also help you to feel less alone. Some online forums and face to face support groups for the carers of people with cancer include:


Most Importantly - Stay Positive, Strong & Keep Smiling!

No matter what you do to try and combat the dreaded side effects of cancer treatment and feel more like you, remember the most important thing is to stay on top of your mental health and be HAPPY.

It can be very difficult to see light in such a period of darkness and uncertainty, but it is of paramount importance that you stay strong for yourself. It can be all too easy to slip into different stages of depression during such a challenging time.

Take a look at the story of Claire, a Joseph's Wigs customer, and how she regained her confidence despite losing her hair.



Give Joseph’s Wigs a Call

Here at Joseph's Wigs we are determined and dedicated to helping all those living with cancer and cancer survivors feel a little more like themselves again. Give us a call today to speak with an expert about your hair loss.

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